Autor Freitas-de-Melo, Aline

Fecha de publicaciónTítuloTipoAutor(es)
4-ago-2023Does smelling the mothers’ wool during social isolation affects the lambs’ behavioural response?Documento de conferenciaFreitas-de-Melo, Aline; Ackermann, Sofía; Rodríguez Möller, Sebastián; Janavel, Paula; García, Ana María; Menant, Ophélie; Levy, Frédéric; Ungerfeld, Rodolfo
4-ago-2023Exposure to the mother activates the main olfactory bulb of lambsDocumento de conferenciaFreitas-de-Melo, Aline; Lévy, Fréderic; Meurisse, Maryse; Casuriaga, Daniela; Pérez-Clariget, Raquel; Ungerfeld, Rodolfo
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