Autor Pereira-Gomez, Marianoel

Fecha de publicaciónTítuloTipoAutor(es)
6-sep-2022Impact of codon volatility in an RNA virus under constrained evolution conditionsDocumento de conferenciaArce, Rodrigo; Pereira-Gomez, Marianoel; Aldunate, Fabián; Costábile, Alicia; Simón, Diego; Moreno, Pilar; Moratorio, Gonzalo
23-jun-2023What have we learned from a case of convalescent plasma treatment in a two-time kidney transplant recipient COVID-19 patient? A case report from the perspective of viral load evolution and immune responseArtículoAldunate, Fabian; Fajardo, Alvaro; Ibañez, Natalia; Rammauro, Florencia; Daghero, Hellen; Arce, Rodrigo; Ferla, Diego; Pereira-Gomez, Marianoel; Salazar, Cecilia; Iraola, Gregorio; Pritsch, Otto; Hurtado, Javier; Tenzi, Jordan; Bollati-Fogolín, Mariela; Bianchi, Sergio; Nin, Nicolas; Moratorio, Gonzalo; Moreno, Pilar
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