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dc.rights.licenseReconocimiento 4.0 Internacional. (CC BY)es
dc.contributor.authorParuelo, Josées
dc.contributor.authorSierra, Migueles
dc.contributor.authorPrieto, Danieles
dc.description.abstractProductivity of the Science and Technology (S&T) sector of Latin American countries would require more public and private investment to increase. Despite significant progress in the first 15 years of this century, South American investment in Science as percentage of GDP has been 10fold lower than that of Europe. Though the need to increase S&T investment is clear, less obvious is whether money should go to infrastructure or human capital. Using global databases we assessed scientific productivity, number of researchers and resources devoted to S&T. We evaluated production for Europe, the Americas and China. We then focused on three Mercosur countries: Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay. Scientific production was related to S&T expenditure and to the number of researchers. We found that countries investing ~2% of their GDP may have a 5-fold variation in their productivity. Our results suggest that human capital explains a higher proportion of the S&T productivity than the total amount of resources devoted to science. Thus, people would matter more than infrastructure in determining the scientific output. The positive trends in the resources devoted to Science in Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay do not allow, though, to reach in a decade the levels of productivity of European
dc.rightsAcceso abiertoes
dc.subjectFinanciamiento de la cienciaes
dc.titleBricks or people? Investing more and better in Science, a dilemma for South American countrieses
dc.subject.aniiCiencias Sociales
dc.subject.aniiCiencia Política
dc.subject.aniiAdministración Pública
dc.subject.aniiOtras Ciencias Sociales
dc.subject.aniiCiencias Sociales Interdisciplinarias
dc.anii.institucionresponsableInstituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuariaes
dc.anii.institucionresponsableConsejo Nacional de Innovación, Ciencia y Tecnologíaes
dc.anii.institucionresponsableUniversidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Agronomía. Instituto de Investigaciones Fisiológicas y Ecológicas Vinculadas a la Agriculturaes
dc.anii.institucionresponsableInstituto de Investigaciones Biológicas Clemente Establees
dc.anii.institucionresponsableConsejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicases
dc.anii.subjectcompleto//Ciencias Sociales/Ciencia Política/Administración Públicaes
dc.anii.subjectcompleto//Ciencias Sociales/Otras Ciencias Sociales/Ciencias Sociales Interdisciplinariases
Aparece en las colecciones: Instituto de Investigaciones Biológicas Clemente Estable

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