Título : Insights into in vivo adipocyte differentiation through cell-specific labeling in zebrafish.
Autor(es) : Lepanto, Paola
Levin-Ferreyra, Florencia
Koziol, Uriel
Malacrida, Leonel
Badano, Jose L
Fecha de publicación : 2021
Tipo de publicación: Artículo
Versión: Publicado
Publicado por: The Company of Biologists Ltd
Publicado en: Biology Open
Areas del conocimiento : Ciencias Naturales y Exactas
Ciencias Biológicas
Biología del Desarrollo
Otros descriptores : Adipogenesis
Resumen : White adipose tissue hyperplasia has been shown to be crucial for handling excess energy in healthy ways. Though adipogenesis mechanisms have been underscored in vitro, we lack information on how tissue and systemic factors influence the differentiation of new adipocytes. While this could be studied in zebrafish, adipocyte identification currently relies on neutral lipid labeling, thus precluding access to cells in early stages of differentiation. Here we report the generation and analysis of a zebrafish line with the transgene fabp4a(- 2.7):EGFPcaax. In vivo confocal microscopy of the pancreatic and abdominal visceral depots of transgenic larvae, revealed the presence of labeled mature adipocytes as well as immature cells in earlier stages of differentiation. Through co-labeling for blood vessels, we observed a close interaction of differentiating adipocytes with endothelial cells through cell protrusions. Finally, we implemented hyperspectral imaging and spectral phasor analysis in Nile Red-labeled transgenic larvae and revealed the lipid metabolic transition towards neutral lipid accumulation of differentiating adipocytes. Altogether our work presents the characterization of a novel adipocyte-specific label in zebrafish and uncovers previously unknown aspects of in vivo adipogenesis.
URI / Handle: https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12381/3248
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1242/bio.058734
Citación : Lepanto P, Levin-Ferreyra F, Koziol U, Malacrida L, Badano JL. Insights into in vivo adipocyte differentiation through cell-specific labeling in zebrafish. Biol Open. 2021 Sep 15;10(9):bio058734. doi: 10.1242/bio.058734. Epub 2021 Sep 9. PMID: 34409430; PMCID: PMC8443861.
Institución responsable del proyecto: Institut Pasteur de Montevideo
Financiadores: Agencia Nacional de Investigación e Innovación
Programa de Desarrollo de las Ciencias Básicas
Fondo de Convergencia Estructural del Mercosur
Identificador ANII: FCE_1_2019_1_156365
Nivel de Acceso: Acceso abierto
Licencia CC: Reconocimiento 4.0 Internacional. (CC BY)
Aparece en las colecciones: Institut Pasteur de Montevideo

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