Fecha de publicación | Título | Tipo | Autor(es) |
ene-2023 | A simple model of the electrosensory electromotor loop in Gymnotus omarorum | Artículo | Caputi, A.A.; Waddell, J.C.; Aguilera, P.A. |
7-jul-2020 | Electrocommunication in pulse Gymnotiformes: the role of electric organ discharge (EOD) time course in species identification | Artículo | Waddell, J.C.; Caputi, A.A. |
ene-2023 | Getting the news in milliseconds: the role of early novelty detection in active electrosensory exploration | Artículo | Caputi, A.A.; Rodríguez-Cattáneo, A.; Waddell, J.C.; Pereira, A.C.; Aguilera, P.A. |
22-jul-2021 | The captivating effect of electric organ discharges: species, sex and orientation are embedded in every single received image | Artículo | Waddell, J.C.; Caputi, A.A. |
1-mar-2020 | Waveform discrimination in a pair of pulse-generating electric fishes | Artículo | Waddell, J.C.; Caputi, A.A. |