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dc.rights.licenseReconocimiento 4.0 Internacional. (CC BY)es
dc.contributor.authorRudeli, Nataliaes
dc.contributor.authorSantilli, Adriánes
dc.contributor.authorViles, Elisabethes
dc.description.abstractThere are often considerable differences between the planned schedule for a construction project and what later develops during actual construction. This paper introduces an innovativeapproach that uses MarkovChain models to support predictions during earned value analyses. A statistical model was developed to predict possible deviations in a project schedule and the future progress of a project. This model, based on Markov chains, uses data from the past to adjust future predictions. A case study was built from a database of 90 housing cooperative construction projects and was validated in 12 more projects. A cross validation of three interactions was also carried out, obtaininganerror of 2.38% inthe prediction offuture progressandanerror of 4.29% intheprediction of construction timing.Theinnovative prediction model presented in this paper contributes to the management body of knowledge by introducing a new tool for the management and control of construction timing. The method presented improves construction management because it predicts future deviations in scheduleswithreducederrorsanddeterminestotaldeviationfromaconstructionschedulewithgreatprecision.Thisallowsbettercontroloverwork timing and represents important input in determining strategies and future
dc.description.sponsorshipAgencia Nacional de Investigación e Innovaciónes
dc.publisherAmerican Society of Civil Engineerses
dc.rightsAcceso abierto-
dc.sourceJournal of Construction Engineering and Management. 2017; 143(11)es
dc.subjectEarned schedulees
dc.subjectEarned value managementes
dc.subjectCost and schedulees
dc.titleStatistical Model for Schedule Prediction: Validation in a Housing-Cooperative Construction Databasees
dc.subject.aniiIngeniería y Tecnologíaes
dc.subject.aniiIngeniería Civiles
dc.subject.aniiIngeniería de la Construcciónes
dc.identifier.aniiPOS_EXT_2016 _1_134047es
dc.anii.institucionresponsableUniversidad de Navarraes
Aparece en las colecciones: Publicaciones de ANII

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